Leading supplier of Products and Solutions to the Textile Industry

We bind smart engineering into textile technology for giving value to our customers.


Our Services

Having over 60 years of experience in the textile industry, Universal MEP Projects and Engineering Services Limited (Universal TMD) possess best in class expertise and knowledge to cater to all trouble shooting requirements of entire Textile value chain. We execute over 50 projects in a year adding to our experience year on year. A specialised set of team is engaged across the locations to cater all your Special service requirements …

Energy Conservation Solutions (eCs)™

Smart Engineering for Greener Tomorrow

The power cost is the second most cost contributing to the tune of 12 to 18% of overall cost of manufacturing of a spun yarn. Besides, the cost of power would also be increasing in the times to come which would pose major challenge. As per our data, there is lot of scope for conserving the energy in the spinning mills. It is therefore, important that each spinning unit must aspire to build a culture of energy conservation in day to operation through continual focus on energy efficiency. We have been offering Energy Conservation Solutions since 2008 and now Universal TMD is the preferred partner for providing precise energy conserving solutions with much faster pace of savings.



  • Reduction of Power Bills – Savings per annum Minimum Rs.15 Lakhs, Maximum up to Rs.5 Crs
  • Action plan for reaching benchmark level in energy consumption
  • Enhance Mills Sustainability under tough market condition


Demonstrated so far

  • Energy Audit Done in More than 200 Mills across India
  • More than 30000 KW Power Saved (0.15 Million Tons of CO2 Saved / 0.7 Million Trees Planted)
  • Demonstrated savings of Rs. 50 to 100 Lakhs per mill over 200 mills without investment

Contact Us

Let's explore possibilities and collaborate on your dream projects. We are excited to discuss and contribute to your vision.